Ch. Lochcairn's Wistful Breeze

             Oct. 15, 1998 - Jan. 4, 2013

Moira was in her 15th year when she passed away. This was very sudden so she was able to enjoy life right to the very end.  She had a great fall going on long walks and runs with my friend Nancy Hall and myself. Nancy shared my special love for Moira.  Moira led the way through the forest trails. She was my soul mate and wouldn't even go on a hike without me.  She would run back to the house and wait by the door for me to join the walk.  Moira was one of those Beardies who smiled with a big toothy grin. This is a gift she has passed on to many of her offspring. She would smile on her own when she greeted you but you could also say " Moira have you got a smile for me? " and her face would light up. It was so sweet and everyone got a laugh out of it. She loved puppies and was always eager to help with them in any way she could. I often found her in the whelping box giving a lick where needed. Ellie always seemed to appreciate the help. Maggie did the same thing with Moira when Moira had the pups. Moira was also my water baby she never missed a chance to get in the lake. She would lay there and like her mom Maggie, her long silver coat floated in the waves. What a special girl she was!  I will miss her forever.

If she couldn't get to the lake the wading pool would do. In this picture she is taking a break from playing to cool off. Her frisbee is at her side and she is ready to play at any time.